Lab Plus-Online Diagnostic Lab


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Lab Plus is an App for Pathology center and Diagnostic lab introduced by RxPlus a product of Rx Health Services & Solutions Pvt Ltd. Download labPlus App create your profile, and get yourself published on RxPlus App and connect with Patients, Doctors and Chemist for home sample collections for diagnostics pathology tests like blood test, urine test, thyroid test, sugar, hemoglobin, platelet and many more in your locality. With this App you get to know all diagnostic test request for home sample collections, from nearby location searched by patients and booked through RxPlus, diagnostics test as and when recommendations by network of Doctors, Clinics and Chemists.RxPlus Provide 4 individual app-

RxPlus (Public)
Doctor Plus (DrPlus for Doctors and Clinics)
Chemist Plus (Chemist & medical Agency)
Lab Plus (Diagnostic Lab & Pathology)

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